Case study 3 - Freelance Photographer

My last option would be to become a freelance photographer, this would give me the most freedom in my work however I feel it would be the most stressful as I would have to be my own boss, build the business up from scratch and the hours would not be fixed.

If I was to go down this route, I would most likely need a job alongside building the business, something like working in an office or in a pub just so that I can sustain my living costs whilst building the business and the clientele. This would be extremely tiring but could be quite good if it ended up becoming a successful business. Either this, or if I lived in France, it would be a lot easier as I would be able to live a lot cheaper and photography is seen as a much more noble profession, so building up the clientele would not be as difficult.

I feel this option would not be ideal, however it is still an option of what I might do, especially if I am planning on travelling where I would be able to use my photography to sell images whilst on my travels. I am already very fortunate to have a lot of photographic equipment which would save a lot of stress and money when it comes to buying these things as they are not cheap, however I would need to be aware that Photography is evolving fast, so I would most likely need to try and stay up to date with new technology.

This would definitely be my last option, however it is still an idea I have been having and could be possible.