Case study 2 - Teaching

Another way I wanted to help people would be to become a teacher, I realized just how much of an influence my teachers had on me during my time at school or at University and I would like to be in the same position to influence others. I am not too sure however what I would like to teach as I have a few ideas.

Firstly I was thinking of teaching photography at University level as I love to see the development of people’s work and I feel I am very good at critical judgement, a lot of my friends will come to me when they need honest and critical advice with their work. I feel I also have a good knowledge when it comes to the technical side of photography as well as the composition and contents of an image.

Or I would also be interested in going into teaching English or French in a foreign country, maybe in Africa for a year or two or even teaching in France as an English teacher in a primary school, which I would LOVE to do.

I would like to do a PGCE so that I have the qualifications and experience to teach and this should help me in any country I go to. I believe I would also do a French Language refresher course if I was to take this route just to make sure I am up to date with any new vocabulary and to be reminded of any lexis I may have forgotten.