The Lumière brothers

The Lumière Brothers were French cinematographers, they used a single camera to create films of everyday life. They are best known for creating a Cinématographe, which is a motion picture film machine. They invented this in the 19th century and it was one of the first major film. The main reason they invented this was to create a less bulky more effective version of Thomas Edison’s Kinetograph. -

The Cinématographe photographed and projected film at a speed of 16 frames per second, much slower than Edison’s device (48 frames per second), which meant that it was less noisy to operate and used less film. (Pruitt, S. 2018)

A three-in-one device that could record, develop and project motion pictures, the Cinématographe would go down in history as the first viable film camera. (Pruitt, S. 2018)

It’s interesting to see how this concept has evolved, and how one idea turns into another until the idea is fully formed and more efficient.

Looking at these brothers has really helped me to get an idea of when Film first started to come around as a medium, and this really helps me to see when and how it started. I found this very interesting as I am working with stop motion, it feels like going back in time but I love it. !t is really exciting to see just how far technology has come in such a short space of time. I wanted to use something a bit more old fashioned, which is why I chose to use a Zoetrope as part of my display. It allows me to learn more about this side of the medium and allows me to play with the concept of time as well as learning something new.