Things I have learnt from being at University

University has been a very interesting journey, I have learnt so much and it was not even necessarily from the lectures and sessions. I have learnt to be a lot more confident in my work and so many other life lessons that I will value for the rest of my life. I have made friends who I know I will be friends with for a very long time.

I really do believe that (and I am not saying this to be a suck up) having the professional context module in the course has been undoubtedly my favorite part. I feel this is where I have learnt the most and have come out feeling more empowered and knowledgeable. I really do appreciate how James does not sugar coat things and he tells us how it is, I feel this is really needed now, especially for me I am so tired of people’s lies.

I feel like writing these blog posts and reflections is not just because I have to get a good grade, I am happy to do them as I know I can come back and look at them at any point. I know that these will help me in any profession I decide to go into. Especially the business part of things.

I am so sad that my university journey is coming to an end but I know that this is only the beginning (cringe) and even though I do not think I want to pursue a career in photography, I know that by having come and done this degree i have learnt more in both photography and life and I also know that I will cherish photography for the rest of my life.