Photographic Landscape

This was our first PC3 session, after the briefing yesterday where James explained what we should be expecting in the weeks to come.

I am very excited and scared to be starting this last professional context module as I fully remember this module had in first year and it feels like yesterday!

I really appreciate how honest and straightforward James is with his sessions, I would much prefer for someone to tell me straight how it is rather than sugar coating it.

He stated that the first 6-12 months will be the hardest, I cant fully understand this as this is when we are basically being thrown into the real world after having been in education for such a long time.

This session consisted of a lot of metaphors including a lot of Rocky videos which are a very great way to show us that if you work hard, you will get places, make those initial steps, go to viewings talk to people, use social media, anything you can do to get yourself and your work out there, just do it.

Taking time out after University is fine, this is something that I feel I will really struggle with as I put a lot of pressure on myself and expect very highly of myself, so I need to remember that i may not get an amazing job if any job straight after uni is finished. I need to remember that it is OK for me to take a step back from photography if I need to for a little while.


- Have people you can trust
- People to reflect work with
- People who understand you
- People to pick you up when times are hard

Things that are included in the photographic landscape can be

  • Curators

  • Assisting

  • Photography agent

  • Picture agency

  • Photographer

  • Gallery worker

It is quite shocking to see all of the different opportunities that are available once University is finished and it really does make me feel better knowing just how many things I could go into if I wanted to continue with photography.

What employers want

  • Teamwork

  • Communication skills

  • Problem Solving

  • Commercial Awareness

  • Organisation

  • Leadership skills

  • Positive attitude

These may seem obvious, but being reminded of them and then trying to add them into your characteristics really helps.

I was really thinking about going into further education and completing a masters in Visual Communication, but then James’s slide in this session really made me think, is it a good idea? Am i ready for it? Why am I really doing it? I think the main reason is because I am not quite ready to leave education yet, but I think I need to ‘make those initial steps’ and just get out there.

Something James went through in this session which i think will really help me in the long run is the idea of using small achievable goals

Where do I want to be in

  • 3 Months - Hopefully have a stable job to keep my living costs covered don’t really care what type of job this is for now

  • 6 months - start saving to go travelling

  • 1 year - still saving for travelling, but maybe have a higher paying job and possibly start doing photography freelancing.

  • 5 years - hopefully will have been travelling or still travelling, but I would like to do a psychology degree, so this will probably be the mark to start doing it.

It is so important to figure out your finances, how much do you need to make to cover all your outgoings? Can I afford to live in Bath? Where can I afford to live at the moment? Make sure to be realistic and honest with yourself.

At the end of the session James gave us a list of resources which can be of use to us during the rest of our studies but also in life after uni.

I found this session to be extremely helpful and honest and it has really made me think about making plans after uni, I was trying everything to avoid them, but I feel this is my kick to get me started and to really start thinking.