Recorded notes of ideas 23/04

Wed 24/03 6.14 pm

Thoughts for my project. So I was thinking along the lines of choosing different subjects of Greek mythology, potentially all of the Olympus gods are 12. And finding symbols, each one of them and then taking photos of those symbols and focusing on one God at a time and then potentially bringing in other aspects such as Pandora's box, and like suppress, different things like that, but for the moment focusing on the Olympus gods, so Poseidon Zeus here, Aries have a slight heaviness, status, I think. And so on and so forth. Have the status I was thinking because he is a blacksmith potentially photographing a blacksmith's workshop going in and finding out like how they work if they've ever related to have status that they've ever thought about. Yeah, and then, so I was thinking of photographing the stars as well so, so the planets for each God, Aries, we've got Mars, and war, so potentially photographing weapons. Beside her and going to the sea, photographing the sea, and the trembles of the sea. Aries photographing the golden chair potentially the throne that she was captured by have status as sort of a revenge but look further into what she's done.

Wed 24/03 6.17 pm

So another thing from my project. So looking at Zeus. He's God of gods on the god of thunder and lightning. So potentially looking at that lightning could be a bit difficult to get so you could look at things like electricity, things that look like lightning, for example, trees, and their branches. Yeah, those are my ideas so far.

We 24/03 6.29 pm

Another idea would be to same similar idea, but to instead find different aspects of each God and create a sort of collage, or like a mixed media piece. Based on these. So for example, hepatitis, could be a blacksmith, as well as kindness, giving so on. So like all those stones. Zeus could be power lightning and mighty, and so on. Aphrodite could be love. So protection showing Red like Roses hearts, things that we associate with love today, and beauty, potentially using a nude model to show that the beauty of the feminine body. Hades would be how his god dog so potentially use a trained dog. And yeah, so maybe looking at this kind of idea, and just finding different aspects for each squad and look at, can't remember his name right now but he did a project on synesthesia, and he would make pictures out of what he thought the person was tasting, because the person would taste things that he saw. And he would make sort of collage, based on this and very pretty pictures. We have lots of different objects in the images could potentially do something like that. Yeah, big project.

Wed 24/03 6.33 pm

Remember to try and use storm clouds for this so potentially trying to, or hoping that, that'd be a storm at some point should happen closer to the summer. If not, I'm sure that I can go to France. Okay, yeah.

Wed 24/03 6.37 pm

Yes, research into how God's heard Ico as instead of blood, sort of gold. Similar to nectar honey. Gold Ico running through their veins instead of potentially having gold thread is like the bookbindings, is keeping them to keep me back together, or just having gold throughout the book to symbolize this.

Wed 24/03 6.39 pm

Look at how mothers and fathers come into this because, I mean sisters and brothers, obviously, have children, that the mothers and fathers seem to have such big impact on the children. So potentially bringing my mom and dad be quite interesting to photograph them, just an idea. Not entirely sure how I would bring that in. But if I was to photograph Kronos and and Gaia. I could make that as my mother and father. Yes, as pathology comes into my everyday life and most other people's everyday lives. And my mother or father could symbolize parents, basically.

Wed 24/03 6.48 pm

possibly go through this, these voice notes and start writing down different things for each God, but first use. Mattis, when she tended to fly, and he asked her, as, as, as a lizard he she started to create armors and basically banging on his skull to create a headache, so maybe see if you can take a picture of a human skull, or a lizard skull actually might be better, maybe speak to a museum of some kind, natural history museum, maybe. Yeah.

Wed 24/03 6.54 pm

Dana's services, she's got this award with them. Doctor of Medicine, Zeus. Basically fought her way out of Zeus his skull. She overseas, got the new Athens after her, but she birthed the gift of the olive tree, which is still known today to be a very big part of Greek culture. So look into this.

Wed 24/03 6.55 pm

Athens in Rome was symbolizes Minerva interesting as this is what we use at uni, as a system and yeah so quite a big one has been over statues and whatnot at the Roman baths. The Romans were not as fond of Athena as the Greeks, they just didn't have that sort of connection. I suppose the thing that was there to protect. And, Yeah, protect the Greeks, at the time. Her favorite animal was the owl. And the serpent, say, try get these into again symbols for Athena.She would often be seen with an Aegis. Not really sure what that is, could be an animal skin at golf is known for animal skin and Greek. Yeah so possibly look at this and also armor. So, you can go to, maybe a castle. Something to find some old armor of like an old night or whatnot, get in contact with somebody for that type of stuff.I feel like I have a lot more for Athena than everyone else so I'd love to see it down. But she was more strategy tactics of potential chess. Big Game of strategy. Tactics looking at not really sure but I think chest definitely yes.

Wed 24/03 7.00 pm

Aries who is also got a war was more about battle conch Kurth conquering violence, whatnot so potentially blood who gets some fake blood or sword something battle like


Growing up in France (as I have mentioned a few times by now), I learnt a lot about Greek Mythology. My french teacher - Mr Evain, was very passionate about the stories and legends within this topic, I used to adore the way he would tell the stories and it always made me so so interested in learning more about it. Sadly Mr Evain passed away a few years ago as he was very unwell, so I would like to make this project as a sort of homage and thanks to him for telling these stories and for making them so interesting.

I really struggled with finding an idea for this project, I spoke to a few people, and one, in particular, told me to take a step back and just let the Universe bring something may way. Which, in itself reminded me of an audiobook I am listening too currently - Mythos by Stephen Fry. I remembered how much I love this topic, and always have, so I decided it would be so fun and creative to let my imagination have fun and make something enjoyable as my final project!

I was so caught up in trying to find something ‘phototherapy’ related and had this idea in my head that I would need to make it about mental health and my past traumas etc but didn’t realise that Photography in itself is a form of therapy for me, having fun and being creative makes me want to get out of bed in the morning. So I believe this will in fact be a good form of phototherapy.

Seen as Greek Mythology is a very wide subject, I am going to find a specific subject whose story I would like to tell, I am thinking along the lines of Aphrodite - Goddess of love and beauty or Poseidon - God of the sea as these are the two who I always found very interesting. With Poseidon, I have Percy Jackson - The Lightning Thief (one of my favourite films) which would help with visuals and so on, but doing some research into Aphrodite, it is stated that they had an affair in which they had one child - Rhode protector goddess of the island of Rhodes in Greek mythology. So, I am thinking I could form a project based on this story and its surroundings

The visuals of the project will be a big mixture of incidentals, portraits, landscapes, abstracts and lots of gold. My plan is to have fun and really enjoy this project and just to learn more about this topic.